GSOC'20 preparation

15 May 2024 / GSoC
Elastic Eui

Elastic - from ZERO to GSoC

Elastic UI Framework is a collection of React UI components for quickly building user interfaces at Elastic. I got extremely thrilled and intrigued the day organizations list came out and I discovered elastic on the list. I made elastic my target goal and didn’t even bother to look for the rest of the organizations.

< Contributing />

After discovering elastic on the list and elastic/eui as a project in the idealist, I instantly started contributing to eui repository. The idea has introduced with a goal to integrate playground service to the components and enhancing user experience by providing flexibility.

When I cloned the project and checked the source code I wasn’t able to understand anything at all. Then I slowly started solving some backlog issues which helped me a lot to understand codebase and their internal working behind the scenes as well.

It took me 2 days to get my first major PR merged ( which was the removal of some redundant code ). After this PR I felt very confident and it increased my pace & quality of contributions. I was able to get around 50 PRs merged prior to GSOC ( which seemed impossible when I looked at the source code for the first time ).

My Contributions to elastic/eui prior to GSoC


Some major contributions :

  • Upgrade react-router, TypeScript.
  • Create a text-diff utility.

Finally, it was the day when GSoC students and projects were about to be announced. I remember refreshing my inbox every 2 minutes and yes I received an email saying “ GSoC 2020: Congratulations, Your proposal Playground / Toggle System for Live Documentation has been accepted! ”.


< Work To Do in Summer />

During this summer, I’m going to kick-off this summer with the most crucial thing on elastic/eui roadmap like —

  • Creating a whole new playground service to the components so that users can interact with the components.
  • Integrate Various toggles , range sliders to make more visual interactions.
  • Consolidate Guidelines with the Examples page using a tabbed interface.
  • Creating a whole new section for this playground service.